Windsurfing School

From beginner courses with testimonial for getting the VDWS basic license, over trainings sessions for advanced surfers up to intensive or private lessons for water start and all kind of maneuvers.

Beginner course

The ABC of Windsurfing.
We are teaching the basics of windsurfing in practical and theoretical lessons. Topics are the basic start, straight forward surfing at low wind, change of directions and returning to the start point, as well safety training. Theoretical topics include safety in general, right of way rules, weather and basic technical knowledge. At the end you can do the testimonial for getting the VDWS basic license. (group size 1-6 participants)

10 hours incl. equipment and VDWS certificate. 

260,– €

ABC Event week

The windsurfing lessons are implemented fluently into the week. A very good combination of training and practice lessons/rental while the instructor remains the contact person during practice time. Ziel ist es, ohne Zeitstress in 7 Tagen eine gute Abwechslung aus Lerneinheiten und Ãœbungseinheiten zu erfahren und so das Winsurfen spielerisch zu meistern.

ABC Event week: 5 x 2 hours incl. incl. equipment and rental for 7 days

510,– €

subject to modification / errors and omissions excepted

Trainings session Windsurfing

We adjust the teaching themes according to the actual level of the students.
The choice is for example beach start, water start, various jibing techniques, optimizing the surfing and sailing technique. The lessons are packed with video learning, mental maneuvers preparation and loads of practical exercises, in order to get a way better windsurfer (group size 1-6 participants) (group size 1-6 participants)

2 hours incl. equipment

165,– €

2 hours without board rental

110,– €

4 hours incl. equipment

255,– €

4 hours without board rental

190,– €

6 hours incl. equipment

355,– €

6 hours without equipment

260,– €

10 hours incl. equipment

390,– €

10 hours without board rental

290,– €

subject to modification / errors and omissions excepted

Intensive / Private Lesson

Maneuver of your choice incl. video-check, one on one with instructor.

1 hour incl. board rental

105,– €

1 hour without board rental

80,– €

subject to modification / errors and omissions excepted


Teaching hours are 60 min long. In case that group-courses will be held for a single person, the instructors presence can be reduced up to 30% of the time, as the teaching goals can be much faster learned at one to one teachings.

ProCenter Safety

Safety always comes first here at the ProCenter.
Our beach assistants are always keeping a close lookout and our rescue boat is always on duty.

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ProCenter Shop

Directly on the beach you’ll find our ProCenter shop. Here you can check out the latest beachwear fashion, sunglasses and all different kinds of spare parts.

ProCenter Aloha Bar
ProCenter Aloha Bar

Sweet beachlife rounded off with a real espresso, fruitshake or cocktail. Our beach BBQ with bonfire and the beach parties are legendary.

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